Otago Catchment Community Inc

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OCC Chair’s Report 2024

Otago Catchment Community Inc

CHAIRPERSON REPORT 31 July 2024 - Hanna Stalker

Firstly, I would like to begin by thanking everyone who was able to make it to be with us today. I have continued to enjoy my time as Chair of the OCC with a year which has continued to see growth and action from catchment groups around Otago.

The year has seen further progress for the OCC in terms of the funding taken up by groups and the utilisation of training offered to groups, particularly around facilitation and communications. It is great to see even more groups taking advantage of the direct group funding on offer to help maintain momentum within their communities, particularly at a time when other funding avenues are drying up.

Within committee we have continued to work on our success measures and from this have been developing an updated structure which we believe will further strengthen the support we are able to offer groups. We have been grateful to the ORC who have allowed us to reallocate funds to support more people on the ground to help in this space.

While we are looking forward to this updated structure it has been brought about in part due to the sad part of my year which has been farewelling Anna Robinson from her catchment coordinator role for Central Otago. Anna has been a huge asset to the OCC and its growth over the last 3 years, and I am sure I will not be the only one in this room sad to see her depart. We wish her well with her future endeavours and hope we will still have contact with her into the future through her new role with the DCC.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the rest of the team who make the OCC the success it is.

To Sam who has continued to work hard for all his groups as well as deal with the ever-larger amount of paperwork, thank you for your dedication to the role and to OCC.

Camille, who as always keeps everything running behind the scenes to support the whole of the OCC, your time is so valuable to us.

To our funders MPI and the ORC who enable us to continue supporting and growing catchment groups and their work around Otago, we could not run as a group without your funding.

To the multiple industry partners and stakeholders who help us with various events and groups, and particularly the NZ Landcare Trust for your help in pulling together today.

To Tiaki Maniototo who are hosting us today, we look forward to seeing the work your group has done in the area.

Finally, to the committee; Randall, Katie, Simon, Becks, Lloyd, Craig and Bryan. The time and dedication you all give to the OCC to fulfill its vision and support groups is something you can all be proud of.

Lastly, thanks to all of the members of the catchment groups around Otago that help make up the OCC. It is your support that enables us to continue the work that the OCC was established to provide. We look forward to working with you all again over the coming year.