Pomahaka Water Care Group
Fast Facts
Group formed: 2014
Catchment area: 2060km2
About 340 farm owners within catchment
Membership: 180
Our aim is for the Pomahaka River to be recognised as having the absolute highest water quality so that future generations can enjoy the river as we have.
Key activities:
1/ Farmer support
To establish a best practice response team
Coordination of meetings of tributary groups
Facilitation of water testing
Rounds of discharge testing
2/ Good Management Practices
To promote public awareness of good management practices
To facilitate the planting of riparian plants in the catchment
Collaborate with industry groups to continue to roll out Farm Environmental Plans
3/ Innovative Mitigation Practices
Research into the effectiveness of on-farm sediment traps & constructed wetlands
4/ Wider Community Engagement
Field days
Education of public including schools
Connecting with community, including iwi through community nursery, A&P show and other events
Sharing of results
Public awareness through regular adverts, roadside signs and spreading the word through other means
Current funding:
Three year Sustainable Farming Fund Grant (ended June 2021)
One Billion Trees & Provincial Growth Fund funding to fence and plant 100kms of waterways
Jobs for Nature funding for wetland enhancement
Two science studies being undertaken in catchment – AgResearch researching further into wetland effectiveness and Phosphorus Mitigation Group researching into effectiveness of detainment bunds
Key learnings:
Farmer to Farmer support is key
Big things can be achieved from small beginnings - important thing is to make a start
Smaller geographical areas are an effective platform
Where to from here?
Information gaps have been identified, and funding to be sought to fill these
Video link on Pomahaka Catchment
For more information on Pomahaka Water Care group, please visit their facebook page