Catchment Groups around Otago receive OCC Direct Group Funding, May 2022
The new Direct Group Funding is proving popular with Catchment Groups of Otago.
A total of $57,000 will be heading into 5 catchment groups over the next 12 months from this first round of direct group funding, to support the groups.
The direct group fund was developed in response to numerous Otago groups showing a need to alleviate volunteer burn-out and at the same time, elevate group activities on the ground.
This fund is designed to enable catchment groups to pay for staff time in their catchment to elevate on-the-ground activities. This first round of successful applicants are paying for staff time - from group facilitation, to administration and communications. Much of this work is voluntary in groups and for some is what slows down a group’s progression.
The groups who have received this fund have shown in their planning that the funds will work to improve overall coordination, support plans for engagement and activities for the health of their catchment.
May 2022 Recipients:
Otago South River Care
Pomahaka River Care
Glenorchy Catchment Group
East Otago Catchment Group