“Looking to the future for a low-lying wetland”
From Lake Waihola, not far south of Ōtepoti Dunedin, fingers of water run down the plains, converging with the Waipori river coming from Lake Waipori.
Dr Chris Kavazos, a freshwater technical advisor for the Department of Conservation, stands in one of these fingers. Waders on, he rummages in the muddy bottom for a logging device that has sat there for the last four months.
We’re Hiring!
The Otago Catchment Community (OCC) invites applications for the role of Catchments Coordinator.
Drone spray trials with the Lindis Catchment Group
A trial with a drone for spray work in the Lindis
Ida Valley explore deep in the gorge
A story on working with community and stakeholders for the benefit of the river.
Lowburn Stream Health Workshop
A practical workshop in the Lowburn for understanding stream health
Catchment Groups learn about Wetlands
Constructed Wetlands workshop with Chris Tanner was recently held at Omakau
Evening events: Sam the Trap Man to tour Otago this June
Hamiora Gibson is coming to the South this June. 7 events across Otago
Sam the Trap Man to tour Otago this June
Sam the Trap Man is coming to the south this June. 7 events across Otago